Wednesday, February 1, 2017


A risk that is not addressed by many businesses in this era of technology is protecting data.  Whether that data is your own data or that of your clients, it constantly stands at risk of theft or corruption.  We always recommend taking risk management action such as firewalls, strong passwords, management of mobile devices, etc.  However, one other risk management action we recommend is the purchase of insurance that will cover your business for network data breaches, electronic copy write infringements and computer viruses.  We strongly recommend this to businesses that deal with Personal Identifiable Information (PII) which are things like dates of birth, social security numbers, addresses, credit card information, financial information and health information.    

Your typical liability and property insurance policies do not have the type of coverage that best protect your business if you were subject to a cyber-attack or stolen data.  There are specialty policies built to help keep your business going after such claims.